Time to “Fall” back into our schedule again after taking the summer off to get some harvesting done. Farm work never takes a break!!

Our first meeting was on Monday, September 9th at Farm Credit in Salem. I thank the many members who attended. It is always fun to visit with you all and set the stage for the upcoming year.

Sunday, October 27th we will host our “Harvest Breakfast” at St. Boniface Parish Hall, 375 SE Church St., Sublimity from 8 am to 12 noon.

Menu: Sausage, eggs, hash browns, toast, fruit, juice and coffee.

Please come and support your fellow Oregon Women for Agriculture.

Thank you Rita Doerfler for your involvement with ordering 60 of the new edition of Get Oregonized textbooks and 3 teacher guides for Robert Frost School in Silverton, which has 3 classrooms of 4th grade students. This is a great contribution to our students and teachers.

We have several members going to the National Convention in New York in November. Oregon will be greatly represented. Thank you Ladies.

Our next meeting will be on Monday, October 14th at 12 noon-1pm at Farm Credit in Salem. Bring your lunch.


God Bless the farmers.

Kimberly Zuber, M/C President