Polk County OWA has been busy this summer! Here’s what we’ve been working on:

At the Polk County Fair – We presented our “Explore Opportunities in Agriculture” display board with brochures detailing a few of the many jobs available in agriculture. We also helped manage the Passport Program. As people entered the fairgrounds, we encouraged them to grab a passport and walk around the grounds to find specific items. Once they found nearly everything, they came back to our booth to get a prize. It was a fun game for parents to do with their kids. We had a lot of adults participate too. Fair managers were pleased with our involvement and asked us to help with the project again next year. Our group had a great experience.

The 2017 Constitutional Essay is ready to go out to Polk, Marion and Benton County students, grades 9-12. This year’s contestants are asked to answer one of these three questions:

  1. The constitution provides protections from government intrusion. When is a police search of your locker, backpack, cell phone and/or computer constitutional? Do you agree with this standard, and why?
  2. How does the Constitution protect your right to free speech as a student? What are some limitations to your right to protest at school (time, location, method)? Do you agree with these limitations, and why?
  3. What right does the Second Amendment protect? What restrictions has Oregon placed on this right? If you enjoy activities like hunting, how do these restrictions affect your right to engage in these activities? Do you support or oppose these restrictions, and why?

Email entries by December 31, 2017 to Arlene Kovash at kovasha@gmail.com Prizes awarded will be $250 for first place, $100 for second place, and $50 for third place. Also, each entry will receive a $5 Dutch Bros. card and a pocket Constitution.  A bonus prize of a $10 Dutch Bros. card will be given if you submit a creative meme on the Constitution, to be published on Facebook or other social media. Contest information and rules are available on the OWA website and on our Facebook page www.facebook.com /PolkCountyWomenforAg

Ideas for later this fall include viewing the “Food Evolution” movie together to better inform ourselves and friends about GMOs. We are also considering helping with Career Connect Expo on October 11th at the Polk County Fairgrounds. Willamette Education Service District is organizing the event exposing students to career options in Ag and natural resources. Their goal is to help change the culture of college for all. College options will also be promoted but they are trying to help students think more about a career for all, which will lead to better planning on their part. They are also offering an expo in Yamhill County on October 26th.

Polk County OWA meets on the second Monday of each month at 11:30 AM at the Eola Inn, Rock n Rogers Restaurant in west Salem. All are welcome to attend.

Have a wonderful fall!

Diann Washburn, President