Fall harvest has just flown by for the Marion-Clackamas ladies. We had the most successful pie card fundraiser to date, selling more than 100 pies from Willamette Valley Pie Company! Thanks to their generosity, we’re able to help further OWA’s ag education outreach efforts. Thank you to all our members who sold and those who purchased from us!


We wrapped up our Oregon Trail Farms guide promotion for the year, which included a growing reach on our Facebook page to promote our participating farms. We had 13 farm stands in the greater Salem region in our guide this year and have already received inquiries from others after seeing our Facebook posts. A big shoutout to Lauren Olson and Beth Sell for spearheading this project in 2017. To learn more you can follow us on Facebook @OregonTrailFarms or visit www.oregontrailfarms.com.


This fall we began moving our meetings around our counties to various locations which included Wilco Headquarters and Capital Press in Salem. We most recently had our December social which included a potluck lunch and holiday crafts. Make sure to check the OWA website chapter page and chapter emails for locations in 2018.


We are sponsoring the SAIF Agri-Business Banquent dinner on January 19th and look forward to seeing many mid-valley folks there!


Something new we will be doing, following the lead of the State Board, is funding up to 4 Marion-Clackamas members’ registration fees for the 2018 OWA Convention in February! We’re very excited to have many members attend and learn about seafood and forestry thanks to Yamhill County’s planning. Please contact Chapter President Mallory Phelan at mallory@aglink.org if you’ve never been to Convention and are interested in attending.


It was certainly a big year for our chapter in 2017, which included planning the OWA Convention and State Fair booth. We are so grateful to all of our members who have actively contributed to the success of all our projects and events this year. Thank you for making it an amazing year!


Mallory Phelan, President