In January our meeting was held at Dona Coon’s Home. Cheryl Ray, from our Nominating Committee, presented a slate of officers for this election. Our officers are; President- Katie Boshart Glaser, Vice President- Mary Hood, Secretary- Kristi Miller and Treasurer- Lori Boshart. Kirsten Pick is taking over the Membership Chair (a non elected position).

We decided to try something different for our chapter social and voted to have it in June and it will be held outside at Lori Boshart’s farm. Betty Jo Smith presented an idea to use the graphics from the OWA Commodity Quilt blocks to produce a coloring book that includes Ag facts. We voted to use up to $3,000 from our Points for Profit winnings for this project. We are very excited about this.

Our February meeting was held at Barbara Hauge’s Home. We had a guest speaker, Michael Wynhausen. He is running for Linn County Circuit Court Judge. He presented to us why he is running, why he is qualified and what he would like to do if he wins.

Betty Jo Smith brought the completed OWA Commodity Quilt we are donating to the auction. It’s beautiful! Our new budget was presented by Lori Boshart and was voted in. Dona Coon reported the Crop ID signs along I-5 and Hwy 34 (in Linn and Benton County) are up to date and the sign match the field. Kristi Miller won a free ad space in the HighPoints Newsletter. We decided to use it for the OWA auction. This is the Newsletter connected to Points for Profit.

Last month our meeting was held at Mary Hood’s Home. Betty Jo Smith and Pam Toews attended the Points for Profit Banquet in February. We won $3,000 this year! We use this money for special projects throughout the year. If you would like to help us this next year all you have to do is keep receipts from businesses connected to Points for Profit. During the year you can give your receipts to a Linn Benton member. To learn more and their list of businesses go to We talked about what a State Board of Directors is and what they do. We then voted on this years State Board of Directors and Alternates. They are: D-Kristi Miller, D-Cheryl Ray, D-Dona Coon and D-Jessica Jansen, A-Betty Jo Smith and A-Martha Glaser.

Our next meeting will be held at Kristi Miller’s home Tuesday, April 10th @ 6:00pm.

Our two scholarship are on the OWA website under our chapter. One is a scholarship to children or grandchildren of Linn-Benton members going into any major. The second is Linn or Benton County students going into an agricultural major. You find out more info on the website. Scholarships are due April 15th.

One of our members, Shelly Boshart Davis announced she is running for State Representative House District 15. We are very proud and wish her the best of luck. Her website is

Katie Boshart Glaser, President