We finished the Ag in the Class literacy project strong and read to 46 class rooms. That is up 12 class rooms from last year.  Thank you to Angie Gibson for taking on this huge task of scheduling and thank you to all our Volunteers for their time.

Our 2nd Annual root beer float fundraiser was held June 2nd during the Function 4 Junction.  Each year we learn a little more and make a little more money. Thank you to our volunteers for taking time out of there busy schedules to help put this fundraiser together.  I also want to thank Lochmead for donating the ice cream and Columbia Distributing for donating the root beer.

Sarah Puls and I were among 47 women (5 representing Oregon) that attended the 2018 AAW Legislative Fly-in.  It was held June 3rd – 6th in Washington D.C. We meet some amazing women from across the country that are passionate about Agriculture.

Some highlights from our trip include attending the 25th Annual American Agri-women Symposium in the USDA building.  There were 4 speakers and the topic was Ag Trade – Critical for Agriculture Critical for the United States. We also took a monument tour and got a comprehensive overview of the National Mall and monuments.

We met with staff members from the Oregon Congressional offices and passed out Meadowfoam chap stick & honey sticks from Oregon along with a packet with the AAW position statements and OWA info.

Sarah and I had a person Capital tour from a staff member at Greg Walden’s office. Thank you to Tracy, Emily & Helle for making Sarah’s and my 1st trip to Fly-in a great experience.

It was a lot of information and history in a short amount of time, but well worth it.

OWA sets aside money each year to assist members who would like to attend events like AAW Fly-in.  So, if you haven’t gone before please consider attending next year.  It is a wonderful opportunity.

Lane County will host the July State meeting on July 20th.

We are on break for the summer.  Our next meeting will to be October 5th at Citizen’s Bank in Junction City.

November we will hold our annual membership social.  Date TBD.

Happy Harvest from Lane County.

Mary Howarth, Secretary