Marion/Clackamas & Polk counties hosted a Christmas Social on Monday, December 10th at Jonathan’s in Downtown Salem for members and their spouses. Members were encouraged to bring donations of canned food or cash to be given to the Marion/Polk Food Share. We had a great time! Jonathan’s prepared some great appetizers for us and Tiffany Marx brought door prizes to give away through out the evening. Thank you all who attended.
Our next M/C meeting will be on Monday, January 14th at 12 noon at Farm Credit in Salem. Bring your lunch and join us! And, on the same Monday, January 14th at 6 pm, M/C will be hosting OWA’s Auction meeting at the Farm Credit office in Salem. Dinner will be provided.
A BIG Thank You goes out to my VP-Lauren Olson for all her hard work in helping me throughout this last year, and to Darlene Bryant for keeping me informed and to Norma Jean Fordyce and Nancy Fisher for assisting me all year long.
Looking forward to another great year!
-Kimberly Zuber, President, Marion/Clackamas