We hope you will join us March 7-9th in Glenden Beach, OR for our annual convention and meeting. Registration details coming soon.

2013 OWA Annual Meeting Agenda

“Navigating Technology for Agriculture”


Thursday, March 7: 6:00-9:00 pm Hospitality Suite open in the Canyon Suite

(Dinner on your own)

Friday, March 8: 7:30-8:30 am Breakfast and Welcome to Gleneden Beach

8:30-9:30 am            OWA meeting to present budget, bylaw changes, nominations

9:30-10:00 am       Darin Grimm, President AgChat Foundation


10:00-10:45 am      Break, Chat, and Tweet

Arwen McGilvra

10:45-11:00 am      Updates

Ag In The Classroom, Tami Kerr

Newspapers in Education, Hanna Brause

11:00-11:45 am      ‘Ag Biotech: What is it, Who loves it, & Who hates it’

Steve Strauss, Director OSU Outreach in Biotech



12:00-1:00 pm       Lunch          – Karen Yost, President, American Agri-Women


1:00-1:30 pm         OWA Website, Lauren Olson


1:30-2:00 pm         Energy Trust Program, Ulrike Mengelberg


2:00 Free time to walk on the beach, try the spa, or carpool to

-Aquarium, Marine Science Center

-lighthouse or museums

-shop at outlet mall and/or quilt shop

6:30-7:00 pm         Social Half Hour (No Host Bar)

7:00-8:45 pm         Dinner –   Service to Agriculture Award

Hospitality Suite in the Canyon Suite will be open until 10 pm

Saturday, March 9: 7:30-8:30 am Breakfast -Tote Bags from Feed Sacks, a demo by Arlene Kovash

8:30 am OWA Meeting

Legislative Panel

Installation of officers