Our first chapter meeting back from summer break was on Friday, October 2nd. It was held at our new morning location at Dari-Mart Corporate office 125 E 6th St, Junction City. It was nice to get together and meet in person, even if we were keeping our social distance.


One of our ongoing projects this winter is making a scholarship application. We are going to do things a little different though and instead of making it for an individual, we are going to make it for an FFA chapter. Currently, Lane County has three active FFA chapters (Crow, Marcola, and Pleasant Hill) and one in the works with Junction City in the process of applying for Charter. We hope this scholarship will get us more involved with these schools and, in the future, transition into individual scholarships.


Lane County is happy to announce two new members to our chapter: Beverly Park and Quintessa Bell. Beverly has a small hobby farm in Veneta, where she and her husband have 14 rescued Alpacas. She processes the Alpaca fiber to make items out of. We can’t wait to learn more about that process. Quintessa is a new 2020 Junction City High School teacher and FFA Advisor.  With her experience, I think we are going to have a great program in our future. We are so happy to get FFA back into the JC High School again.


We are hosting our annual membership social November 17th at  6:00 pm at 96565 Hulbert Lake Rd, Junction City. If you know any ladies in our area that you think would be interested, let them know about this event. It will be a great time.


Happy Autumn,


Mary Howarth

Lane County OWA President