The Linn Benton ladies scheduled an outdoor meeting in September, but had to quickly change to a Zoom meeting when the smoke from the wildfires altered our plans. The devastation in our counties is something none of us will ever forget.
During our meeting we remembered Phyllis Fifield, a member of our chapter who passed away. We heard updates regarding Ag in the Classroom and Points for Profit. Points for Profit has historically been a great fundraiser for our chapter, but for this past year we received 5th place and $1,000. Our chapter has decided to take a year off from this fundraising program and explore other fundraisers that might be a better fit for us going forward. We received a legislative update from Tami Kerr (don’t forget to VOTE) and reviewed the results of the OWA virtual auction. We are still seeking nominees for our Treasurer and Secretary positions, so if anyone is interested in learning about these great opportunities to get involved, please let me know. Our chapter is still researching and discussing ideas for a special chapter project and expect we’ll have some news on that soon.
Hope to see you at one of our upcoming chapter meetings! I hope you are all well!
Mary Hood
Linn-Benton President