The ladies of Linn-Benton gathered together in November to make Christmas tree decorations and hold our last chapter meeting of the year. Every year as a fundraiser for our chapter, we make decorations to adorn a Christmas tree in the lobby at Papé in Tangent and Harrisburg. This year was dairy themed, so we painted cows, barns, and little glass milk jugs. Carrie Jackson-Corrado is the master mind behind this project each year and does a wonderful job creating and organizing our decorations and all of us as well. The Christmas trees were decorated in early December and looked beautiful as always.
Our chapter will be putting together welcome baskets for the 17 new Sigma Alpha pledges and we continue to listen to and support Ag in the Classroom. We are so lucky to have Jessica Jansen as a member of our chapter and to get regular updates from her on the new and creative ways they are finding to engage and educate students in the era of a pandemic. Chapter officer elections are on the horizon as we look to fill our Treasurer and Secretary positions. Nominations are being accepted until our January meeting, with voting for those positions set to occur in February.
I would like to give a special shout out to our LBWA officer team: Dona Coon – VP, Lori Boshart – Treasurer, Kristi Miller – Secretary, and Laurie Schrock – Corresponding Secretary. You ladies are simply amazing – thank you for serving with me!
We wish you all health and happiness and look forward to all the great things in store for OWA, LBWA, and all of us in 2021.