Central Oregon Spring Update

We are in full swing planting mode. Included a few carrot planting pictures. Our chapter is spread all over Central Oregon but we managed a meeting online. We just approved donations to Ag In The Classroom & Summer Ag Institute. And are planning on reading to some...

Columbia Gorge Spring Update

The Columbia Gorge chapter had five members attend the annual convention in Astoria, and all enjoyed learning about forestry and fishery topics.  One of the reasons many of us like our membership in OWA is the socialization aspect of the group, especially at state...

Linn-Benton Spring Update

In January our meeting was held at Dona Coon’s Home. Cheryl Ray, from our Nominating Committee, presented a slate of officers for this election. Our officers are; President- Katie Boshart Glaser, Vice President- Mary Hood, Secretary- Kristi Miller and Treasurer- Lori...

Marion- Clackamas Spring Update

Spring has sprung for the Marion-Clackamas Chapter! We are sponsored and attended the SAIF Agri-Business Banquent dinner on January 19th and saw many familiar mid-valley faces! Many of our members attend the Oregon Women for Agriculture Convention in Astoria in...

Lane Chapter Winter Update

Lane County hosted our second annual Membership drive/social November 16th at Amici Italian Restaurant in Springfield.  We had a wonderful night enjoying great food, good drinks and excellent conversation with ladies that are excited about Ag. Dona Coon gave an...