Yamhill Chapter Winter Update

Yamhill County Women for Ag put together our annual gift boxes again this year – we’ve done this more than 40 years! We sell them to raise money to support our scholarships and grants. Our gift boxes are made up of product mostly donated by local farmers such as Kauer...

Eastern Oregon Winter Update

Welcome 2017! We are really excited about the upcoming year. Our chapter is turning three this year and I am very proud of the progress we have made. The tractor driving continues to be a great success in our community and our membership is growing slowly. Our goals...

Start Here When You Shop Amazon

Oregon Women for Agriculture is an Amazon affiliate. That means that when you use our link (found in this blog or at the top of the OWA site) we get a small bonus for referring you. So make sure you stop by our website on the way to Amazon as your shop for gifts this...


OWA’s signature billboard “Almost Everything Starts on a Farm or Ranch” is now available as a “truck wrap.”
OWA Opposes Measure 97

OWA Opposes Measure 97

Oregon Women for Agriculture opposes any additional taxes that would be burdensome to business owners, farmers, ranchers and the citizen of the state. Measure 97 has been billed as a way to make out of state businesses pay their fair share. However, that is not the...