by lmg_admin | Oct 9, 2014 | Uncategorized
Mary Holzapfel was the founder and first president of Oregon Women for Agriculture. The below article appeared in the Albany Democrat Herald October 7, 2014. Frugal — with flair — across a lifetime By Theresa Novak When grass seed farmer Ralph Holzapfel married...
by lmg_admin | Oct 8, 2014 | Celebrate Oregon Agriculture, Uncategorized
Central Oregon Women for Agriculture President Jessica Hanna spoke about Oregon’s specialty seed crop industry! Facts about Oregon Specialty Seed Approximately 85% of the hybrid carrot seed planted in the United States is grown in Jefferson and adjoining...
by lmg_admin | Oct 7, 2014 | Celebrate Oregon Agriculture, Uncategorized
Elle Coon of Oak Park Farms talks about the grass seed that Oregon farm families grow! Facts about Grass Seed Oregon grows over 2/3 of the world’s supply of cool season grasses Oregon grass seed is turf and forage varieties meaning it can end up in a...
by lmg_admin | Oct 6, 2014 | Celebrate Oregon Agriculture, Uncategorized
Facts about Meadowfoam 3000-4000 acres of meadowfoam is grown in the Willamette Valley annually The Willamette Valley has an ideal climate and soils for the production of meadowfoam; meadowfoam is planted in the fall and begins blooming in early May with seed harvest...
by lmg_admin | Jul 30, 2014 | Uncategorized
Dear Oregon Women for Ag, Thank you for help and support of the 4th annual LifeWise Oregon Berry Festival. The event was a huge success, and thanks to sponsors like you, it lived up to the distinguished honor of being one of the Top 10 Best Food Festivals in America...
by lmg_admin | Jun 23, 2014 | Advocacy, Uncategorized
American Agri-Women recently sent out this update- We’re sharing news regarding the latest issue with the Clean Water Act and the EPA — and offer a chance for you to get involved and submit comments. The latest issue is related to the definition of the...