Marion-Clackamas Chapter spans some of the most iconic Oregon farmland. The chapter meets regularly to conduct business, support and advocate for agriculture in our region.
Marion Clackamas Chapter…
- Scholarships to county youth
- Oregon Agriculture in the Classroom
- Summer Ag Insitutue
Kim Zuber
Emily Duerst
Tracy Duerst
Marion-Clackamas Chapter offers a $1,000 schoolarship annually.
The OWA Scholarship is made available to any person from Marion or Clackamas County preparing to enter or attending a college or university and who has an agricultural related major. In case of a tie while scoring scholarships, preference may be given to the student planning to attend a college or university in Oregon.
Application due date for the 2025-2026 school year is June 1, 2025. Check back in early 2025 for application information.
Chapter Updates
We share quarterly updates so you can stay in the loop on our chapter!
M/C October Report
Time to “Fall” back into our schedule again after taking the summer off to get some harvesting done. Farm work never takes a break!! Our first meeting was on Monday, September 9th at Farm Credit in Salem. I thank the many members who attended. It is always fun to...
March Report
The Ladies in Marion/Clackamas Counties have been busy! Not only with their own farm chores but also with their County chores! We had ten ladies from our county attend the Oregon Women for Agriculture yearly Convention at Salishan in Lincoln City on March 8th &...
December Report
Marion/Clackamas & Polk counties hosted a Christmas Social on Monday, December 10th at Jonathan's in Downtown Salem for members and their spouses. Members were encouraged to bring donations of canned food or cash to be given to the Marion/Polk Food Share. We had a...