Well spring has finally decided to show up and after the long winter we had everyone seems quite excited for some sunshine and warmer weather. Tractors are running, cattle are moving and our ladies are busy out doing what we do best, supporting Oregon Agriculture.


We just wrapped up the third annual Tractor Safety Driving course and we are proud to say there are now 4 more certified young tractor operators in our area. We really appreciated all the support we received from the community. A huge thanks to Willow Creek Diner for supplying cinnamon rolls, Morrow County Grain Growers for their continued support by providing us a location and some amazing machinery for the practical’s, our instructor Daniel Bolen for returning to lead our class and of course to all of our amazing OWA ladies and their families that make this possible.  This is a project that is very near and dear to our chapter’s heart as it is the driving force for how our chapter got started. We have already started planning ways to continue to improve this event and hope to attract more students in the future.


I hope you have all had a chance to check out the Facebook page for the Eastern Oregon Chapter of Oregon Women for Ag. Bethany Woodall and Amelia Haguewood do a wonderful job of keeping the page updated with fun ag facts and great local farm images. If you have not liked the page yet please stop by and let the ladies know how much you appreciate their hard work.


Crop ID sign season is also starting up and we are excited to get all the new signs up in our area for the public to enjoy. Watch for more exciting pictures to come on the Facebook page and hopefully on the website.


The next focus is on the upcoming auction. We have been working to put together another wonderful “Eastern Oregon Bounty” auction basket to represent the amazing diversified agriculture that we enjoy in our region. We look forward to seeing everyone at the auction and hope that you are all enjoying the spring season.


Josie J Miles, Eastern Oregon OWA President