Lane County hosted our second annual Membership drive/social November 16th at Amici Italian Restaurant in Springfield.  We had a wonderful night enjoying great food, good drinks and excellent conversation with ladies that are excited about Ag.

Dona Coon gave an overview of the activities on the State Level and the benefits and training OWA can offer.  Angie Gibson talked about Ag in the Classroom and how we can make a difference in a child’s life by teaching our youth about Agriculture.  Our current members introduced themselves along with how they are related to Ag. We had 18 ladies attended (7 members and 11 guests) and have signed up 5 new members from this event.

Thank you to all the Lane County Members for your hard work in 2017.  We are looking forward to starting 2018 working hard to gather items for the OWA Auction in April, planning our next fundraiser and getting volunteers and schools set up for Ag in the Classroom.

I am happy to announce that our chapter is growing.  We are up to 29 paid members going into 2018.

Lane County OWA meets on the first Friday, 8:15 am at Citizens Bank in Junction City.  We meet every other month October – June

We are trying an evening meeting starting January 18th for members that are not able to attend the Morning meetings.


Mary Howarth, Secretary