When I think of Spring I think of Crop ID signs.  The season is starting and we are excited to have our Crop ID signs up in our area for the public to enjoy.

Our Membership continues to grow.  We are at 36 members.

Fun fact – April 2013 we only had 9 Lane County members.

A lot of good things have happened in the last 5 years and I want to thank our fun, can do members for keeping this chapter going.

It’s a very busy time for our Chapter.  We are ready to kick off this year’s AITC Literacy project in Lane County.  We are hoping to get more volunteers this year so we can go into more classrooms.

Our chapter will be sponsoring a local teacher to attend the Summer Ag Institute and we will also donate 3 Scholarship awards to Lane County 4-H for Educational boards at our local fair.

Our Summer fundraiser “Function 4 Junction Root beer float stand” will be held June 2nd.  If you are out at the Function please stop by and say hi.

We are looking forward to the OWA Auction and have received some great donations.  To name just a few; 2 Willamette Country Music festival tickets, 1/2 hog cut and wrapped, Generator & several Lane County activity packages with many fun places to go, see and do in Lane County.

Lane County OWA meets on the first Friday, 8:15 am at Citizens Bank in Junction City.  We meet every other month October – June

Evening meetings are being held on a trial bases the third week of the month (day & location TBD).  We will meet opposite months as the Morning meetings for members that are not able to attend the Morning meetings.  Past evening meetings were held at Farm Fancy and Hayworth Estate Wines both in Coburg.


Happy Spring from Lane County.

Mary Howarth, Secretary