A quick update on what our chapters been up to. November 7th, we held our annual members social at Bennett Vineyards in Chesire. It was a good time with food and friends resulting in two new members Stevie Miller & Shelby Filley, Welcome! This year we had three FFA Chapters in Lane County submit scholarship applications, Junction City, Mohawk and Crow. This Scholarship is offered to any Lane County FFA Chapter to encourage projects that will benefit agriculture. The Scholarships are awarded in the amount of $500 to $1500.
With all three schools receiving the max scholarship amount. Junction City & Mohawk both attended our members social and spoke to the group about there plans for there Scholarship. Junction City presentation was about purchasing FFA jackets, scarves, and ties for the chapter to allow more kids to participate in events. Mohawk did a great presentation on the Middle school program and how the funds would be used for gloves, plants, seed, and bark mulch to grow produce to be used in cooking and canning classes. Lane County will be taking the month of December off and meeting again January 23rd in the new year!