The Linn-Benton ladies continue our meetings in-person, with a Zoom option. For our June meeting, we met at Carino’s in Albany and enjoyed a fantastic dinner and great company before getting down to business. Our Activity/Coloring Book is headed out to farm stands and markets throughout our counties. Our scholarship committee announced the winners of our 2021 scholarships. This year we awarded five $600 awards. We will invite our winners to our meeting in August so they can share information about themselves with our group. We continue to discuss the situation with AAW and we are in full support of the actions taken by our state board regarding disaffiliation. Tami Kerr provided a legislative update and the need for education and involvement in light of the on-going attacks against agriculture. IP13 is very concerning to us and is likely to get onto the ballot in November 2022. Summer Ag Institute will be happening soon, and we have members who are hosting teachers and attending the SAI Appreciation Dinner. We are lucky to live right in the heart of so many ag education related opportunities and we are also very lucky to have so many members who are active and engaged. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered in some form or fashion to help promote OWA’s mission.

My President’s Project continues to move forward. Thanks to Northwest Hazelnut/George Packing, we were able to get 3,000 3 ounce candy coated hazelnut bags to be used by the Albany Visitors Association. Part of them will go to the Seattle Farmers Market to promote the Willamette Valley as part of a Travel Oregon segment. The others will be given away to visitors to our area as the AVA educates them about ‘all those trees planted everywhere’. The second phase of my President’s Project revolves around designing a grass seed bi-fold card full of information and facts in a very easy to read format. We will include pictures too. The AVA will then attach a small baggie of grass seed to each card and will give those away to visitors or those stopping by their booths at many different county events. I am excited for this project and the chance for LBWA and OWA to be involved. I encourage other chapters to contact their local visitor’s association and see what projects you can put together.


Our chapter won’t meet during July, but will be ready to go again in August with a meeting at Peoria Road Farm Market. Hope to see you all then!


Stay safe and well,

Mary Hood, President Linn-Benton Chapter