Our members have kept busy with many projects over the last few months. These include:
- Hosting the State Board Meeting at Lisa Goracke’s home
- Assembling 28 goodie boxes for Sigma Alpha members for finals week
- Members Social Potluck at Hazelnut Haven. Barbara Hauge is chair.
- Donated an OWA Pendleton Blanket to Oakville Community Christian School fundraiser Auction ($850 generated)
- State Scrapbook moved forward with a meeting to organize past memorabilia
- Members volunteered for the Ag in the Classroom literacy project
- Scholarship Committee received six candidate applications
- Linn and Benton County Fair displays of the “One Farmer Feeds…” were established with volunteers
- Tangent Pape Christmas tree theme will be “Cattle.” Carrie Corrado is chair.
- Hosted multiple teachers for Summer Ag Institute
- Debbie Burns made fabric lined feed bag totes for each teacher at SAI, again
- Megan Chuinard, Executive Director of the Oregon Seed Council, gave a presentation at the June chapter meeting
- Kelsy Pimm hosted the June meeting at the farm house they have renovated to a vacation rental property
- Linn Benton has no meeting in July