Spring has sprung for the Marion-Clackamas Chapter!

We are sponsored and attended the SAIF Agri-Business Banquent dinner on January 19th and saw many familiar mid-valley faces!

Many of our members attend the Oregon Women for Agriculture Convention in Astoria in February and learned so much about the forestry and fishing industries. Thank you Yamhill County for being such wonderful hosts – nothing but rave reviews from our chapter!

We are hard at work on our Oregon Trail Farms guide for the 2018 season. Last year our total reach online (through Facebook and our website) was 34,594 and the total online impressions was 59,120.  We hope to have 13-15 farm stands in the guide again this year. We’re always looking for more help in this effort. Please follow us on Facebook @OregonTrailFarms or visit www.oregontrailfarms.com.

We are still seeking applications for our scholarship and the deadline is May 1, 2018. The application is on our chapter page on the OWA website.

We’ve been hard at work procuring items for Auction and are very excited for the big event!

Mallory Phelan, President