The Polk OWA Chapter has held regular meetings this winter. We purchased a table and provided desserts for the Dallas FFA Alumni’s “Hearts and Wine” event in February and several chapter members traveled to State Convention in Boardman. We also got together last week at Jeree Mulkey’s house to put together a rag quilt with a patriotic theme for the annual OWA Auction.


We have donated $500 to the Polk County Fair for improved lighting in Building C and made a sponsorship donation of $250. We were also contacted by 4-H requesting donations to support Fair awards. We contributed $25 for the Outstanding Horticulture Award and $20 for each of the seven livestock educational poster awards. We also donated $500 to Summer Ag Institute.


Future projects include collecting donations for the OWA auction, planning a membership social later this spring, purchasing ‘Get Oregonized’ books for local grade schools, and organizing a candidate event, potentially with another natural resource group. We also set a goal to send 4-6 letters this year to either a legislator or to the local paper.


A new slate of officers was elected at the February 14th meeting. Diann Washburn-President, Jeree Mulkey-Vice President, Arlene Kovash-Treasurer, and Carol Marx-Secretary.


Have a wonderful spring!