The Polk County ladies provided an Ag table at the Mid-Valley Winter AgFest, held at the Polk County Fairgrounds in Rickreall February 25th & 26th. It was a success. Thank you to our membership for their time at the event and to Deb Thomas for her hard work and efforts organizing the event. We look forward to participating again next year.
The winner of the Constitutional Essay Contest was our only entry, Sarah Kenyon of Salem. Disappointing for our members as we had expanded the contest into Benton and Marion County. We plan to update our approach and explore using social media to engage with students. We are also considering changing the contest to a presentation format instead of an essay. The thought is that students might participate if they can create a short video presentation instead of writing an essay. Arlene Kovash will report on the project at the AAW Midyear meeting.
We welcome new members, Susan Morrill and Abby Fitts! Mary Beuthin with Benton county OWA also joined us for our March meeting and plans to stop by when she can. We have a brand new slate of officers. They are as follows: Diann Washburn, President, Deb Thomas Vice President, Mallory Lucas, Secretary, Lindsey Myers, Corresponding Secretary and Tiffany Marx, Treasurer. Our next few meetings will focus on what direction the group wants to go and outreach to potential Polk county members. Our next meeting will be on Monday, April 10th at 11:30 AM at the Eola Inn, Rock n Rogers Restaurant in Salem. We meet on the second Monday of each month. Join us!
Diann Washburn, President, PCWA