We began the year focusing on a joint project, Stop the Bleed, with the Polk County Farm Bureau. Last May, our chapter heard from guest speaker, Daniel Van Hook, West Valley Hospital Trauma Program Manager an ER Nurse about this life-saving program devoted to teaching wound triage. He spoke for his co-worker Jennifer Von Derahe, who wasn’t able to make the meeting due to a family emergency. The program provides instruction on how to stop severe bleeding until EMTs arrive and specifically how to use a tourniquet, pack wounds and properly apply direct pressure. Kits can be made for about $25. The class took place January 23rd with 13 attending. A follow up class was planned at Pedee Church. PCWA and PCFB plan to start discussions for another joint class in September.
In February we helped sell tickets to the FFA Alumni Hearts & Wine Banquet. We discussed planning a membership event in May. Suggestions included having a nice lunch or dinner that could include a tour of a farm facility. Watch for more details as we expand on this idea! Several of our members also attended the OWA annual meeting.
In March we elected the following new slate of officers: Diann Washburn – President, Deb Thomas – Vice President, Arlene Kovash – Treasurer and Carol Marx – Secretary. Our meetings are held on the second Monday of each month. We rotate between breakfast and lunch meetings at Faroll’s Restaurant, Rock N Rogers in Rickreall. Contact Diann at diann@ofsonline.org for more information. All are welcome to join us!
Diann Washburn,
Polk OWA Chapter President