Fall continued to be busy for the Polk county ladies! We reached out to Polk, Marion and Benton county high schools to encourage students to write an essay for our 2017 Constitutional Essay contest. As of today, we have received nine entries! A definite increase from past years. Prizes awarded will be $250 for first place, $100 for second place, and $50 for third place. Also, each entry will receive a $5 Dutch Bros card and a pocket Constitution. A bonus prize of a $10 Dutch Bros. Card will be given to students that submit a creative meme on the Constitution to be published on Facebook or other social media. Contest information and rules are available on the OWA website and on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/PolkCountyWomenforAg.


In October, we were asked if we could help out with an educational booth about agriculture jobs for the Willamette Promise, Career Connect Expo at the Polk county fairgrounds. We agreed and our “Explore Opportunities in Agriculture” display board came in handy along with our brochures created for the fair detailing a few of the many jobs available in agriculture. Yamhill county OWA participated in a similar event a week later at the Yamhill county fairgrounds and used our display board and brochures too. Our group felt it was a positive event and looks forward to doing it again next year. Here’s a picture Carol Marx, Arlene Kovash and Abby Fitts in front of our booth


In December we decided to skip our monthly meeting and enjoy getting to know each other better with a Christmas Potluck at the home of Arlene Kovash. She treated us to a lesson in simple quilting with a demonstration on how to make your own mug rug (aka coaster). We had a great time!


In January we will make plans to help with the Mid-Valley Winter AgFest that takes place at the Polk County Fairgrounds on Saturday February 24th and Sunday February 25th. Polk OWA will manage a booth and is considering hosting a matinee showing of “Food Evolution” at the Polk County Fairgrounds the day before AgFest, on Friday February 23rd. Watch our website and facebook page for more details.


Mid-Valley Winter AgFest is a family friendly event with fun educational events for both kids and adults. Saturday Market Vendors and Local Farms will also be on hand to sell food and hand-crafted products. Check out the website for more information http://mvw agfest.com/


Polk OWA meets on the second Monday of each month at 11:30 AM at the Eola Inn, Rock n Rogers Restaurant in west Salem. All are welcome to join us for lunch or just come for the meeting!


We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to another awesome year in OWA!


Diann Washburn, President