Our chapter has been able to meet regularly over the last few months, in-person! We are waiting to hear if we can have a booth at the Polk County Fair. Vendors are not allowed this year, but we may be able to put together an unmanned table with information about agriculture. The fair runs from August 12th to the 14th. We will also participate in the Livestock Association Youth Auction, if it is allowed.
Our chapter is also tasked with organizing the OWA booth at the State Fair later this summer. We have contacted the Linn-Benton OWA chapter to get their notes from when they hosted the booth in 2019 and to see if we can use their display. We plan to use the Pendleton blanket instead of the quilt used last time, update the trivia questions, and make changes to meet Covid restrictions. We will send out information as soon as we can. The dates are August 27th to September 6th.
We are planning a fun membership drive meeting with a target date of September 18th. We will find a fun place where people can have dessert and visit. We plan to have a short presentation about OWA and our chapter activities and will invite other OWA chapters and Polk County ag organizations. Watch for more details later this summer!
Our meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at Rock n Rogers in Rickreall, from 11:30 to 1:00 PM. Please feel welcome to join us!