oregon gardenThe Marion-Clackamas Chapter of Women for Ag invites you to join us at the 2017 Oregon Women for Agriculture Annual Convention: Cultivating Women Leaders, which will be held at the Oregon Garden Resort in Silverton February 16-18, 2017.

We are looking to help grow and develop OWA members as leaders in the agriculture industry by gaining knowledge from women in leadership positions, learning how to lead on social media and expanding our understanding of Oregon agriculture through two farm tours.

Speakers include American Agri-Women President Doris Mold, Grassland Oregon Co-founder, Partner and Director of Marketing Risa DeMasi, and Oregon Department of Agriculture Deputy Director Lisa Hanson. During an interactive social media panel, two pioneers in the Oregon agriculture blogging community, Darleen Sichley of Guernsey Dairy Mama and Brenda Frketich of Nutty Grass, will help inspire you to share your story with consumers in the digital world. Finally, we will visit two Marion-Clackamas Chapter members’ farm operations putting technology to use: Abiqua Acres, a dairy in the Silverton area and Northwest Transplants in Molalla. (See the convention schedule.)

Don’t wait to reserve your spot for 2017 Convention today and join OWA members from around the state!

Registration includes activities on schedule, breakfast vouchers (Fri/Sat), lunch (Fri), dinner (Fri) and tour transportation.

Last day to register for the room block and hotel discount is January 16th!

Early registration ends January 25th.


Download a registration form now!

Lodging Room rate: $99 + tax Group ID & Password: AGWOMEN Oregon Garden Resort 503-874-2500 ext. 0

895 W. Main Street Silverton, Oregon 97381

Please reserve your room before January 16th, 2017 in order to get in on the OWA room block. You may call the phone number listed above to make a reservation or follow the instructions to book online:

1. Go to www.oregongardenresort.com

2. Under “Your Place to Dream” click on the “Group Login” black button

3. Enter the group ID & password: AGWOMEN and click “Login”

4. A new page will open with available rooms in the OWA room block for you to reserve

5. If you require dates extending before or beyond Convention or you have special room requests, please contact the Oregon Garden Reservation Manager at 503-874-2508.

Questions? Contact Mallory Phelan (Marion-Clackamas Chapter President) at 541-990-9521 or via email.