Yamhill County has been busy starting to plan the 2018 OWA State Convention. We had our June meeting at Helle and Bruce Ruddenklau’s in Amity. We invited our current and past few years OSU and Community College Scholarship recipients to tell us how our scholarship has or will help them further their education. (Hot tip, serve ice cream at your meeting!) It was a fun night!
Some of us will be hosting SAI teachers for Session 1. That is always fun. A word to folks who haven’t done it before. Try it. The teachers we have hosted have always been overwhelmed with the many things farmers are doing. When else do you get the attention of people who are shaping future leaders than with a teacher? You get to speak up not only how you make your living, but what you do with your life! They find out that farming is a 24 hour job, seven days a week. We usually get them out on the berry pickers at night and its amazing how big their eyes get! Unfortunately, we will have to settle to taking them on a trip to change evening irrigation since we aren’t picking berries yet.
Most of us are getting done planting our row and spring crops. Blackberries are still a ways off yet as are blueberries; not too far. So things are getting busy.
We don’t have a July meeting but we will have one August 8th at 7 pm at Citizens Bank in McMinnville. Hope harvest goes well and safely.
Susie Kreder, President Yamhill Chapter